Exploring Biomutant: Unraveling the Best Breeds in the Post-Apocalyptic World



In the vast and vibrant landscape of gaming, Biomutant stands as a unique gem. This action role-playing game, developed by Experiment 101 and published by THQ Nordic, introduces players to a mesmerizing post-apocalyptic world inhabited by mutant creatures. As they embark on their journey, players are faced with a crucial choice – selecting the best breed for their character. This decision not only shapes the character’s appearance but also influences their attributes and abilities. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the fascinating world of Biomutant, exploring the various breeds available and helping you make an informed choice to enhance your gaming experience.

The Genesis of Biomutant

Before we delve into the intricate details of character creation and the best breeds in Biomutant, let’s first take a brief look at the genesis of this game. Biomutant, released in May 2021, is a labor of love that took several years to develop. Experiment 101, a relatively small game development studio, poured their heart and soul into creating a vibrant and immersive open-world experience.

Biomutant takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where humans are long gone, and the Earth is teeming with mutated creatures. You step into the shoes of a customizable character, known as the Biomutant, who is tasked with exploring this strange new world, uncovering its mysteries, and making choices that will shape its fate.

The Best Breed for Your Biomutant – A Fundamental Decision

When you embark on your Biomutant journey, one of the most critical decisions you’ll make is selecting your character’s breed. This choice isn’t merely cosmetic; it significantly affects your character’s attributes, abilities, and even the way others in the game world perceive you. There are six different breeds to choose from, each with its unique strengths and weaknesses. In this section, we’ll provide an in-depth analysis of each breed, helping you make the best choice for your playstyle.

The Primal Breed – A Balanced Beginning

The Primal breed is often the go-to choice for newcomers to Biomutant. This breed offers a balanced combination of attributes and abilities, making it a versatile pick for various playstyles. Primals excel in agility, vitality, and strength, which allows them to adapt to different combat situations and environmental challenges with ease.

The Primal breed’s natural agility helps them dodge incoming attacks and navigate the hazardous terrain of the game world. Their vitality gives them an extended health pool, making them resilient in combat, while their strength ensures they can deal significant damage to their adversaries. If you’re unsure about your playstyle or want a well-rounded character, the Primal breed is an excellent starting point.

The Dumdon Breed – The Brute Force of Biomutant

If you prefer a more aggressive approach to combat and enjoy brawling with your foes, the Dumdon breed may be your best bet. Dumdons are characterized by their sheer physical strength and size. They boast incredible power and stamina, making them formidable in close-quarters combat.

With a Dumdon character, you’ll find yourself excelling in melee combat. Their high damage output and robust constitution allow them to take on multiple enemies at once, making them a great choice for players who relish in the thrill of a good old-fashioned brawl. However, their large size does make them slower and less agile, so be prepared for a bit of a trade-off in mobility.

Dumdon Abilities and Specializations

  • Thick Hide: Dumdons have a natural armor that reduces incoming damage, providing enhanced survivability during combat.
  • Smash: A devastating special ability that allows Dumdons to deliver powerful melee attacks, often incapacitating their foes with a single blow.
  • Sturdiness: Dumdons have a remarkable resistance to environmental hazards, such as radiation and extreme temperatures, enabling them to explore dangerous areas.

The Hyla Breed – Masters of Mobility

For those who favor agility and quick, hit-and-run combat tactics, the Hyla breed is an excellent choice. Hylas are known for their unmatched agility, making them incredibly swift and nimble in both combat and exploration.

A Hyla character excels in dodging enemy attacks and moving in and out of battle with ease. Their agility allows them to traverse the game world swiftly and reach otherwise hard-to-access areas. However, their reduced vitality and strength can leave them vulnerable in direct confrontations, so it’s crucial to rely on evasive maneuvers and precise strikes to maximize their potential.

Hyla Abilities and Specializations

  • Leap: Hylas have an exceptional jumping ability that allows them to reach high places and escape danger quickly.
  • Acrobatics: Their agile nature makes them adept at traversing obstacles and navigating challenging terrain.
  • Deadeye: Hyla characters have heightened precision when using ranged weapons, enabling them to land accurate shots on their targets.

The Fip Breed – Masters of Psi Powers

If you’re intrigued by the mystical world of psychic powers and want to harness the energy of the Psi-Mutations, the Fip breed is your ideal choice. Fips are attuned to the supernatural, possessing potent Psi powers that grant them unique combat abilities and traversal skills.

Fips excel in using Psi-Mutations to deal damage and control the battlefield. With their psychic abilities, they can launch devastating attacks from a distance or manipulate the environment to their advantage. However, their physical attributes are weaker compared to other breeds, making them more reliant on their Psi powers to survive.

Fip Abilities and Specializations

  • Telekinesis: Fips can move objects with their mind, allowing them to manipulate the environment and create opportunities for creative combat tactics.
  • Psionic Smash: A powerful Psi-Mutation that unleashes a shockwave of energy, damaging and staggering nearby foes.
  • Mind Control: Fips can temporarily take control of enemy creatures, turning them into allies during combat.

The Rex Breed – A Technological Marvel

For players who appreciate advanced technology and want to bring the power of cybernetics into their Biomutant experience, the Rex breed is the way to go. Rexes are cybernetically enhanced mutants with access to an array of mechanical upgrades and gadgets.

Rex characters have access to an array of cybernetic abilities and gadgets that provide an advantage in both combat and exploration. Their technological enhancements allow them to approach challenges with creativity, and their proficiency with firearms is a significant asset. However, their reliance on technology can be a double-edged sword, as their cybernetic components require bio-points to function.

Rex Abilities and Specializations

  • Cybernetic Upgrades: Rexes can install and upgrade cybernetic implants that enhance their combat abilities and utility in the game world.
  • Energy Blaster: An advanced cybernetic weapon that Rexes can use to deal ranged damage to enemies.
  • Bio-Point Regeneration: Rex characters slowly regenerate bio-points over time, allowing them to continue using cybernetic enhancements during extended gameplay.

The Murgel Breed – Masters of Resistance

In Biomutant, there’s no shortage of environmental hazards, from toxic zones to extreme temperatures. If you want a character that can brave these challenges with ease, the Murgel breed is an excellent choice. Murgels have unique resistances and adaptabilities that make them experts at surviving in inhospitable environments.

Murgel characters possess innate resistances to environmental hazards, allowing them to explore toxic zones and extreme climates without fear. Their natural immunities and resilience to harmful conditions make them an ideal choice for players who want to fully explore the game world and uncover its hidden secrets.

Murgel Abilities and Specializations

  • Toxic Resistance: Murgels are highly resistant to toxic environments, taking minimal damage from toxic gases and other hazards.
  • Cold Resistance: These mutants can withstand frigid temperatures, making them capable of traversing snowy and icy regions.
  • Adaptation: Murgels can adapt to their surroundings, gaining temporary bonuses to attributes when exposed to specific environmental conditions.

The Genetic Code – Tweaking Your Biomutant Character

Now that you have a deeper understanding of the various breeds in Biomutant and their unique attributes, it’s time to delve into the Genetic Code, a system that allows you to further customize your character. The Genetic Code offers a wide range of options to fine-tune your Biomutant’s appearance, abilities, and resistances.

Attributes – Shaping Your Biomutant

The Genetic Code system lets you allocate points to different attributes, influencing your character’s performance in various aspects of the game. These attributes include:

  • Vitality: Determines your health pool, affecting your overall survivability.
  • Strength: Affects your melee damage and resistance to stagger.
  • Agility: Determines your speed, dodging ability, and melee combat efficiency.
  • Charisma: Influences how other characters in the game world perceive you and your dialogue options.

By carefully distributing attribute points, you can create a character that suits your preferred playstyle. If you’re drawn to melee combat, investing in Strength and Agility is a wise choice. On the other hand, players who prefer ranged combat or charisma-based interactions can allocate points accordingly.

Ability Points – Unleash Your Unique Skills

In addition to attributes, the Genetic Code system allows you to allocate ability points to unlock and upgrade special abilities. These abilities can greatly enhance your combat effectiveness and provide utility in the game world. Your choice of breed will influence the abilities available to you, but you can further customize your character by investing ability points in specific skill trees.

Each breed has its unique set of abilities, and you can choose which ones to focus on based on your preferred playstyle. For example, a Dumdon character may want to invest in abilities that enhance melee combat, while a Hyla character might prioritize agility-related skills.

Resistances – Tailoring Your Biomutant’s Survival Skills

Biomutant features a diverse and challenging world filled with environmental hazards. The Genetic Code system allows you to allocate resistance points, making your character more resilient to specific environmental conditions. You can choose to invest in resistances like toxic, heat, or cold resistance, depending on the areas you plan to explore.

Resistances play a vital role in your character’s survivability and the ability to access different parts of the game world. For example, if you intend to explore radiation-filled zones, investing in toxic resistance is crucial to prevent taking significant damage.

The Impact of Choice – Morality in Biomutant

Biomutant not only offers a variety of breeds and customization options but also introduces a unique morality system that adds depth and consequence to your in-game decisions. Your choices throughout the game can influence the world, its inhabitants, and even the abilities your character gains access to. Let’s explore the morality system and how it impacts your Biomutant experience.

The Yin and Yang of Biomutant

The morality system in Biomutant is represented by two contrasting forces: Light and Dark. These opposing forces shape your character’s morality and the world around them. Your choices and actions will earn points in either direction, ultimately determining the morality of your character. The Light path is associated with kindness, compassion, and a focus on the greater good, while the Dark path is marked by selfishness, ruthlessness, and a focus on personal gain.

As you progress through the game, your character’s morality will shift based on the choices you make. This can affect your character’s appearance, the abilities they unlock, and how other characters in the game world perceive you.

The Consequences of Morality

The morality system in Biomutant isn’t just for show; it has tangible consequences. Your character’s morality impacts various aspects of the game:

  • Abilities: Certain abilities are tied to either the Light or Dark path. As your character’s morality shifts, you’ll gain access to specific abilities that align with your chosen path. For example, a character on the Light path may unlock healing abilities, while a character on the Dark path may gain destructive powers.
  • Dialogue Options: Your character’s morality affects the dialogue options available to you when interacting with NPCs. The way you approach conversations can influence how other characters react to you and may lead to different outcomes in quests and interactions.
  • World State: The overall state of the game world can change based on your character’s morality. Areas may become more or less polluted, and the behavior of certain factions and characters can be altered.

Finding Balance in Biomutant

While the Light and Dark paths offer distinct benefits and abilities, Biomutant also allows for a neutral approach. If you’re torn between the two extremes or want to experience the game without leaning heavily in one direction, you can choose a balanced path. This path involves making choices that maintain a neutral moral stance.

A balanced approach allows you to access abilities from both the Light and Dark paths, providing versatility in combat and interactions. It also prevents extreme shifts in your character’s appearance, ensuring a more consistent visual experience throughout the game.

The Power of Choice

The morality system in Biomutant is a testament to the power of choice in gaming. It adds depth and replayability to the game, as players can experience different storylines and character builds by making alternative choices. Whether you choose the Light, Dark, or balanced path, your decisions shape your character’s journey and the world they inhabit.

Biomutant’s morality system encourages players to think about the consequences of their actions and explore the game world from different moral perspectives. It’s a unique and engaging feature that sets Biomutant apart from other open-world RPGs.

Exploring the Open World of Biomutant

Biomutant’s expansive open world is a playground for exploration, adventure, and discovery. As you traverse this vibrant and dynamic environment, you’ll encounter a wide variety of biomes, creatures, and factions. This section explores the diverse landscapes of the game and the challenges and opportunities they present.

The World of Biomutant

Biomutant’s world is a beautifully crafted, post-apocalyptic setting that showcases nature’s resilience in the absence of humanity. The game world is divided into different biomes, each with its unique characteristics and challenges. From lush forests to barren deserts and irradiated wastelands, there’s a wealth of diverse environments to explore.

As you venture through this world, you’ll encounter a plethora of mutated creatures, both friend and foe. The game’s ecosystem is a testament to the intricate design of the developers, with creatures that have adapted to their respective environments.

A World in Flux

One of Biomutant’s most intriguing features is its dynamic world. The game’s world is in a constant state of flux, with various biomes undergoing changes as you progress through the story. These changes are influenced by the faction conflicts and your character’s choices, and they can have a significant impact on your gameplay experience.

For example, a region that was once lush and vibrant may become polluted and hazardous due to the actions of certain factions. This dynamic world ensures that your exploration remains engaging and unpredictable, with new challenges and opportunities emerging as you play.

Faction Conflicts and Alliances

Biomutant features a diverse range of factions, each with its own goals, beliefs, and interests. Your character has the opportunity to align with or oppose these factions, and your choices can shape the world’s balance of power.

Joining a faction can offer unique benefits, such as access to specialized gear, quests, and support from faction members. However, it also means taking on the responsibilities and rivalries associated with that faction. By navigating faction conflicts and forming alliances strategically, you can impact the game world and further customize your Biomutant experience.

Faction List

  1. The Myriad – A group dedicated to preserving and restoring the environment.
  2. The Jagni – A warlike tribe that values strength and power above all else.
  3. The Netra – A technologically advanced faction that seeks to bring order to the world.
  4. The Lotus – A group of wanderers and nomads who value freedom and independence.

Crafting and Customization – Forging Your Path

In Biomutant, your character’s gear and weapons play a pivotal role in your ability to survive and thrive in the post-apocalyptic world. The game offers an extensive crafting and customization system that allows you to create unique equipment, improving your combat capabilities and personalizing your Biomutant’s appearance.

Crafting and Weapon Modification

Crafting is a core element of Biomutant, enabling you to create a wide range of weapons, armor, and accessories. You can gather resources from the environment or defeat enemies to obtain crafting components. These components can then be used to modify and enhance your gear.

Biomutant’s crafting system is versatile, allowing you to combine different components to create weapons and armor that suit your playstyle. Whether you prefer melee weapons, ranged firearms, or a combination of both, you can craft the perfect gear to match your preferences.

Weapon and Armor Stats

Each piece of equipment in Biomutant comes with a set of stats that determine its effectiveness in combat. These stats include damage, critical chance, armor, and more. By crafting and customizing your gear, you can improve these stats to create a character that excels in your chosen combat style.

Customization goes beyond mere stats, as you can also change the appearance of your equipment. This allows you to create a Biomutant that not only performs well but also looks unique and appealing.

The Art of Mutation – Psi-Powers and MutationsBiomutant’s unique Psi-Powers and Mutations system adds another layer of depth to character customization. As you progress through the game, you’ll unlock and develop various Psi-Powers and Mutations, granting your character extraordinary abilities and enhancing your combat prowess.

Psi-Powers are activated abilities that allow you to manipulate the environment and deal damage to your enemies. These abilities can range from telekinesis to pyrokinesis, providing you with a diverse toolkit to use in combat and exploration.

Mutations, on the other hand, are passive abilities that grant your character special traits and bonuses. These mutations can affect your movement, resilience, and even your interactions with NPCs. By choosing and upgrading mutations, you can further refine your character’s strengths and weaknesses.

Combining Psi-Powers and Mutations

One of the most exciting aspects of Biomutant’s customization is the ability to combine Psi-Powers and Mutations to create powerful synergies. For example, you can use a mutation that boosts your melee damage along with a Psi-Power that enhances your mobility in close combat. This synergy allows for a unique and dynamic playstyle that suits your preferences.

Experimenting with different combinations of Psi-Powers and Mutations is not only fun but also essential for mastering the game’s combat and traversal challenges. It’s an area where creativity and strategy shine, and it empowers players to adapt to various situations.

Exploring the Story – Unraveling the Mysteries of Biomutant

As you journey through Biomutant’s post-apocalyptic world, you’ll uncover a rich narrative filled with mysteries, factions, and moral dilemmas. The game’s story is driven by your character’s quest to save the Tree of Life and confront the looming threat of the Worldeaters, colossal creatures devouring the world’s core. In this section, we’ll explore the game’s narrative, quest structure, and the impact of your choices on the story.

The Quest for the Tree of Life

At the heart of Biomutant’s story is the quest to save the Tree of Life. This ancient, mystical tree is essential to the world’s survival, and its roots reach far and wide. The game world is divided into different regions, each with its own Worldeater – massive, bio-mechanical creatures threatening the Tree of Life.

Your character’s journey revolves around confronting and defeating these Worldeaters to restore balance and health to the Tree of Life. Each Worldeater serves as a climactic boss battle and is tied to a specific region of the game world.

Quest Structure and Choice Consequences

Biomutant’s quest structure is dynamic and non-linear. While the main questline follows the path to confront the Worldeaters, the game is filled with numerous side quests, faction-related missions, and opportunities for exploration. Your choices in these quests can impact the world and story in various ways.

The consequences of your choices are far-reaching, affecting not only the game world but also your character’s morality and abilities. For example, aligning with a faction may lead to faction-specific quests and rewards, while choosing to save or destroy certain locations can influence the environmental state of those areas.

The Narrator – A Unique Storytelling Mechanic

One of Biomutant’s distinctive storytelling features is the presence of a narrator who provides commentary and context throughout the game. This narrator not only describes the actions and events in the game but also responds to your choices, providing insight into their impact on the world.

The narrator’s presence adds an extra layer of immersion and connection to the story. It’s a unique and innovative approach to storytelling in gaming, enhancing the player’s understanding of the consequences of their actions.

The Multiple Endings of Biomutant

As you progress through Biomutant’s story, your choices and actions will ultimately determine the outcome of the game. The game offers multiple possible endings, each reflecting the morality and choices of your character. These endings vary in tone and the state of the world, offering a high degree of replayability for those who wish to explore different paths.

Your character’s morality, alliances with factions, and the fate of the Worldeaters will all influence the final outcome. Whether you aim for a heroic, villainous, or neutral conclusion, your choices will shape the world and your character’s destiny.


Biomutant is a captivating and immersive action role-playing game that offers a wealth of customization options and choices. The selection of your character’s breed, alignment with factions, and development of Psi-Powers and Mutations all contribute to a deeply personalized gaming experience. The game’s morality system adds an extra layer of depth, encouraging players to think about the consequences of their actions.

Exploring the open world of Biomutant is a visually stunning and dynamic adventure, with a constantly changing environment influenced by your choices. Faction conflicts, dynamic biomes, and a wealth of quests offer endless opportunities for exploration and discovery.

The narrative of Biomutant is rich and engaging, with a narrator providing context and insight into the consequences of your choices. The multiple possible endings of the game ensure that your decisions shape the world and the outcome of the story, providing ample incentive for replayability.

Biomutant is a game that encourages creativity, strategy, and thoughtful decision-making. Whether you’re drawn to agile Hylas, powerful Dumdons, or any of the other unique breeds, there’s a Biomutant experience waiting for you. With its vast world, diverse customization options, and morally charged storytelling, Biomutant is a gaming experience like no other. Embark on your journey, make your choices, and explore the post-apocalyptic world of Biomutant with your uniquely crafted character.

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